
*Mediation sessions in Nature

*Conflict Coaching

*Coaching for difficult conversations

*Peacemaking Circles


Natural settings

Sessions are scheduled outside, in nature. Sliding scale fee for a 3hr. session: $150-$300 donation per party.

Some examples of the possibilities:

  • Your own agreed upon natural setting, pending mediator’s agreement;

  • A beachfront property with a balcony or yard;

  • At a park or bench in the old city or nearby beach;

  • At a prairie or mountain location -TBD

  • At a table by a creek;

  • walking sessions -paperless:

    • for private caucus/conflict coaching sessions

    • as preview to the 3hr. mediation session;

    • facilitated conversations;

  • Other possible settings around nature TBD

Creative options

Our mediation sessions may be enriched with collaborative activities, and with Nature as our ally, there are many tools available to us for the process. For an additional fee, you may request:

  • a silent trek to top of a mountain followed by the mediation session at the mountain top;

  • Mediation session around a bonfire - for peacemaking circles or facilitated conversations -

  • Collaborative Art - parties share full access to the same canvas and painting tools with one another and the mediator;

  • Jamming Sessions - parties bring musical instruments as a tool of expression.